The Yardi Systems Group Tax Strategy

June 2024

This Tax Strategy statement applies to Yardi Systems Limited (“the Company”) and its 100% owned subsidiaries (“Yardi Systems Group”, “Group”).  Our approach to tax has been published in accordance with paragraph 19(2), Schedule 19 of the Finance Act 2016, and relates to our accounting period ended 31st December 2024.

The Company generates and contributes both direct and indirect UK taxes including corporation tax, employee taxes, VAT and Stamp Duty Land Tax.

Our approach to risk management and governance arrangements in relation to UK taxation

The Board of Directors have approved, and are ultimately responsible for the tax strategy of Yardi Systems Limited and its subsidiary companies, with day-to-day compliance carried out by the Finance Team.

To help meet the compliance obligations with the relevant tax authorities, professional advisers are engaged to assist the Group where appropriate.

The principles that govern our approach to our tax obligations are as follows:

  • We strive to pay the right amount of tax in accordance with the tax laws.
  • We desire to claim available allowances, deductions and reliefs in accordance with the manner in which they were intended.
  • We aim to meet our tax obligations with HM Revenue and Customs at all times.

Our attitude towards tax planning and level of risk

Our tax obligations, and therefore our tax contribution, are aligned with the commercial and economic activity of our operations. Tax is considered in all significant business decisions, but we do not undertake any transactions for the sole purpose of realising tax savings.

We believe in safeguarding our reputation and our relationships with clients, shareholders, and tax authorities alike and we are not subject to undue shareholder influence.

The Group has a zero-tolerance policy to tax evasion, whether carried out by an employee or a business representative acting for us or on our behalf.

We adopt a low-risk approach to tax and do not engage in any artificial tax arrangements.

Our approach towards dealings with HMRC

We strive to make every effort to meet our filing deadlines and tax obligations within the United Kingdom.

If there is uncertainty on a tax matter, we seek advice on the issue in hand to resolve the uncertainty.   

We endeavour to adopt a collaborative approach to our interactions with HM Revenue and Customs and any other relevant tax authority.